Monday, March 24, 2008


played in macou touries last few weeks but to no good .might be just me or is it im thinking to much for my other players .got the usual im behind but i got to call u stuff .pity some players cant lay hds down .on a other note a friend of mine was playing in dublin this weekend making a nice killing there in cash but a bit ul in touries . ppp poker had to put up 200k in the irish open i think its about time they readjust there buy ins they might get more players then and make there guartes on there touries .

Friday, March 07, 2008

been a while

its been a while since i posted here but thought after looking at a few blogs tonight i need to add to my own .
well its been 8 mths since i came back from vegas feeling good about my game and started well on line . i was up each month till xmas which paid my bills and i have a few .

then the big busto came xmas week chasing losses and playing a game to big for my bank balance could afford . work then fizz out which did not help and i just stopped playing .

i played the macou end of month last weekend which turned into a crap shoot as they were having a sat the next day for the irish open . well i could not get over starting stack before the break and had to lay hds down to reraises .
after the break i got a few good hds and double up to 27k when a few hds later i get AK HEARTS and raised with same to be reraised allin from a player who just came to table with a huge stack and who i know would do same with a wide range of hds so i decided to go with my hd and would not be to far behind with him . it ended up his JJ V AK and a low board put me out of tourie but i felt to win this i had to gamble to get chips as the crap shoot it turned out to be .

im going to start back playing more live again as im finding online a bit of a donkey lately .it might be me but the hds people are calling with they must be looking over my shoulder seening my cards to call .